Marine Corps

C-130 Virtual Maintenance Trainer (VMT)

LSI’s C-130 VMT pairs our VIE with a Multifunction Display (MFD) and Control Display Unit (CDU) emulator to provide free play familiarization with the cockpit displays for operators and a virtual fault isolation training system for maintainers. Available training tasks include pre-flight inspections and maintenance tasks. This blended training solution is available in several platform delivery methods: large-format classroom display, desktop computer, and tablet. The C-130 VMT has proven highly effective in both schoolhouse and operational unit settings.

Instructional Systems Design (ISD)

LSI’s Instructional Designers hold advanced degrees in education and learning science disciplines.  They are experienced in using an array of training requirements analysis and design methodologies including, the Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation (ADDIE) process; the Systems Approach to Training (SAT); Human Systems Integration (HSI); and the Naval Education and Training Command (NETC) End-to-End process.  By applying the correct methodology and leveraging extensive domain experience, LSI designs training that is effective, efficient, and engaging.

SCO Workbench

SCO Workbench is a comprehensive analysis system that provides Instructional Designers with a suite of data gathering and analysis tools designed to streamline complex task and media analyses.  SCO Workbench captures Conditions, Behaviors, and Knowledge/Skills/Attitudes (KSAs) associated with knowledge and performance tasks.  Using algorithms based on MIL-HDBK 29612 guidance and customizable based on specific project requirements, a task list is easily distilled into a training task list.  Each training task is then subject to further analysis using Human Systems Integration (HSI) and stimuli parameters, resulting in a clearly defined optimal and secondary training media requirement.  Learning Objectives developed in SCO Workbench are organized in a visual hierarchy for ease of sequencing.  SCO Workbench outputs are the basis of the Instructional Performance Requirement Document (IPRD) and the Instructional Media Requirements Document (IMRD).

Technical Publications

Our technical publications developers use a Quality Assurance-driven team process, designed to reduce costs by minimizing rework and schedule delays due to deficiencies or corrections.  Publications development is a team process, where project managers, subject matter experts, illustrators, data managers and QA personnel work synergistically to deliver maintenance and operator products to our customers that often exceed quality expectation, are on-time and within budget. LSI develops content for:

  • Organizational, Intermediate, and Depot Level Maintenance Manuals
  • Flight and System Operating Manuals
  • Software Users Manuals
  • Wiring Data Manuals
  • Training Device Operator & Maintenance Manuals; Instructor/Operator Handbooks
  • Illustrated Parts Breakdowns
  • Periodic Maintenance Requirement Cards

We offer various methods of delivery from the printed page to electronic technical manuals (ETM). Our long history of publications development spans over 35 years with all the branches of the Department of Defense. In addition, we have provided publications services for a multitude of FMS customers, including Norway, Pakistan, Portugal, South Korea, and Taiwan.

Technical Illustrations      

Our technical illustrators produce graphics from the simplest block diagrams and line conversions to complex graphics and systems. Conversions of graphics from native authoring and publishing systems are performed for inclusion into documents. Our technical illustrators specialize in developing true, mathematically-based, vector formats from your existing raster graphics.


S1000D is an international specification for the procurement and production of technical publications. It is an XML specification for preparing, managing, and using equipment maintenance and operations information.  The technical information is authored as XML files called Data Modules (DMs) and stored in a Common Source Database (CSDB).  Recently, the specification has been expanded to include two new types of data modules, a SCORM Content Package Module (SCPM) and a Learning Data Module (LDM).  The purpose of the SCPM and LDM is to provide a method for including SCORM learning content in a CSDB alongside the technical manuals.

In 2009, LSI worked directly with the Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) Initiative and the ADL Job Performance Technology Center (JPTC) to design a strategy for using a CSDB for storing and retrieving SCORM learning content.  The ADL team created a prototype CSDB interfacing tool called the Bridge API.  LSI modified one of its courseware development tools, SCO Workbench, to interface directly with ADL’s CSDB instance over an internet connection using the Bridge API.  With SCO Workbench, courseware developers were given a simple Graphical User Interface (GUI) to create and modify all of the different types of LDMs.  Those LDMs along with SCPMs could then be checked in and out of ADL’s CSDB.

Recently, LSI has modified its latest courseware development tool, Venus 2 Enterprise (V2E), to allow easier access to technical DMs during the courseware development process.  XML DMs can be imported into a SCORM package and linked directly to a SCO in development.  The tool parses the DMs and allows for the courseware developer to pull text directly from the technical publication.  Once linked, the developer now has a simple way to be notified of a technical change which may have an affect on the courseware content.  This kind of surveillance makes courseware development much easier, particularly when courseware development is being performed concurrently with the authoring of the technical publications.

AV-8B Deployable Mission Rehearsal Trainer (DMRT)

The DMRT is designated as Device 2F241 and is a self-contained device, produced with a maximum use of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) products. The basic configuration of this system will consist of a simulated AV-8B cockpit comprised of flat and touch screens to display instruments, switches, knobs, cockpit indicators, avionics and an out-the-window field of view. The concept/architecture of the DMRT emphasizes plug-and-play capabilities. The DMRT is an open architecture interface design that enables future technology upgrades that will enhance the performance and reliability of the training system.  The DMRT will be deployable to theaters of operation including LHA and LHD big deck amphibious ships.

The DMRT is intended to provide deployed AV-8B pilots the following training capabilities:

  • Radar operation
  • Hands on Throttle and Stick (HOTAS)
  • Multi-Purpose Displays (MPDs)
  • Control Monitor Set (CMS) Operations
  • Mission Type Rehearsal

Instructor Services

LSI’s cadre of exceptionally experienced instructors provides training that meets specific Government requirements for numerous military aviation and other academic courses. These services are provided at designated military installations nationwide, at LSI facilities, and at various military facilities around the world.  LSI provides full spectrum aviation training, from courseware and classroom instruction for both aircrew and maintenance, to part-task training as well as in-flight training through the instructor level.  LSI holds an extensive and wide variety of Instructor expertise, we have provided instructors to teach U.S. Navy Seabee construction, U.S. Navy Helicopter pilot simulator instruction, and we currently provide Customs and Border Protection with P-3 Pilot instruction.  We provide New Equipment Training (NET) Team personnel and maintainer ground school instruction as well as the revision and maintenance of courseware as the aircraft changes due to the Product Improvement Program.

Training Support Services

LSI provides numerous high quality training support services to multiple U.S. DoD customers, to include:

  • Training Support Staff to the Center for Seabees and Facility Engineering, PT. Hueneme, CA.
  • Administrative and Financial Support Staff for the Naval Construction Training Center, PT. Hueneme, CA.
  • TECOM support for projects across TECOM (GNOSS, MCTIMS, Exercises like Javelin Thrust, etc.)
  • Instructional Systems Design Support Staff for the Center for Surface Combat Systems, Dahlgren, VA.
  • Transportable Flight Proficiency Simulator (TFPS) support for CH-47 NET
  • Any other non-instructor services

Manufacturing & Production

LSI’s operates a 60,000 Sq. ft. manufacturing & production facility located on a 17,000 acre State-Of-The Art Commercial Center with direct access to four active runways. Our multi-faceted craftsmen and AWS certified welders bring Depot, Intermediate, and Organizational level Maintenance experience to every project. To ensure efficiency, our facility is equipped with an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system that allows LSI to track materials and job status in real time.

Core Services

Ground up Design, Rapid Prototyping

• Mechanical, Electrical, Software
• Romer Arm

• Full Range of Materials from Plastic to Exotics (Titanium/Inconel)
• Structural Shapes (Channel, Angle, Beam, Tubes & Plate)
• Sheetmetal bending and rolling

• Carbon, Stainless, Aluminum, 6G certifications
• Plasma cutting, Oxygen/Acetylene Cutting, Spot Welding, Stud welding
• Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW)
• Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW)
• Brazing copper and copper alloys

Paint Facility
• Capacity 60’L x 20’W x 20’H
• Dry Ice Blasting

Machine Shop
• Tooling, Jig & Fixture Manufacturing
• 4-Axis Computer Numerical Control (CNC)
• Turning
• Milling
• Broaching
• Drilling
• Waterjet Cutting
• Engraving

• Laser wire marking
• Wire harness manufacture to IPC-620 standards
• Component soldering to IPC-610 Standards
• Complete wiring and component installations
• Electrical integration with customer furnished systems

Additional Services Provided

• Assembly/Sub-Assembly
• Testing
• Quality Control
• Overhaul and Modifications

Facility Capabilities

• Secure access
• Mature supply chain
• Secure property control shipping and receiving center
• Multiple shifts

Electronic Classrooms

Our electronic classrooms are made up of hardware and software designed to provide the instructors with the tools to more actively engage the students. Our electronic classrooms are designed to meet the needs of each customer’s learning environment.  They consist of servers to support the curriculum, an instructor station consisting of a computer with dual flat panel monitors, student workstations with a computer, and dual flat panel monitors.

F-35 Lightning II Courseware

The F-35 courseware introduces the aircraft and all of its systems and capabilities to both maintainers and pilots.  The Interactive Courseware (ICW) provides the foundation for all subsequent training.  Our sound instructional design principles produce topics, lessons, and units that allow the learner to master basic knowledge of the aircraft before advanced system-specific knowledge is introduced.  The training instructs over 50 skillsets covering all three U.S F-35 variants (Air Force, Navy, and USMC) as well as a number of foreign military customers.  Because the evolving nature of this emerging aircraft demands training be frequently revised, the courseware is designed to allow updates to be done once and then shared with all target audiences.

Complementing the F-35 courseware is enhanced training developed for the F135 engine.  While the basics of the F135 engine are included within the F-35 courseware, some learners receive more detailed training related to depot-level engine component repair and replacement.  The same high-fidelity interactive graphics in the courseware are re-purposed in an F135 Electronic Training Aid (ETA).  The ETA is used in the classroom to highlight, isolate/restore, separate/join, and cross-section any system of the F135 engine in a high-resolution virtual environment.

MV-22 Osprey Maintenance Training Optimization Courseware

LSI’s V-22 Courseware Development Team has been tasked with creating a knowledge bridge between the Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) maintenance training products developed for initial schoolhouse training and the stages of early technical skill development after reaching the fleet.  This courseware is designed to reintroduce technicians and mechanics to those systems and processes initially learned in a classroom environment, reinforcing system Theory of Operation and Operational Check procedures.  Each individual course is designed for use in any environment, in one hour or less to avoid interference with current operational tempo.

All MV-22 maintenance Military Occupational Specialties (MOSs) are addressed:

Description MOS
Tiltrotor Mechanic, MV-22 6116
Tiltrotor Airframe Mechanic, MV-22 6156
Aircraft Communications/Navigation/Electrical/Weapon Systems Technician 6326

This SCORM-compliant courseware is produced using the latest version of the MV-22 Interactive Electronic Technical Manual (IETM) to ensure the most up-to-date information is presented, and is available through the use of the Marine Corps Aviation Learning Management System (MCALMS).  Authoring is accomplished using Adobe Captivate 9 in order to provide training capabilities through the use of mobile devices in an austere environment as well as from a classroom.

Courseware Development Tools

Venus 2 Enterprise (V2E) is LSI’s premier courseware development tool.  While we also employ Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) development tools, V2E provides our customers with a powerful, customizable solution that creates SCORM 2004 compliant training, and apps for mobile devices (iOS and Android), from the same training content – build it once and deploy on multiple platforms.  V2E courseware can synchronize learner data (progress, metrics, assessment scores, etc.) with either a traditional SCORM Learning Management System (LMS) or with an Experience API (xAPI) Learning Record Store (LRS).  V2E training content conforms to the latest internet browser standard, HTML5.  By embracing the HTML5 standard, LSI has eliminated the need for third party plugins, ensuring compatibility now and in the future.  The V2E tool itself is scalable, easily supporting large development teams in a server-based enterprise environment and also functioning as a stand-alone editor on a desktop workstation.