Courseware Development


LSI’s Courseware Curriculum Solutions

AH-64D/E Attack Helicopter Courseware

LSI is a principal provider of AH-64D/E Apache Attack Helicopter courseware.  Our AH-64D and AH-64E products train Army Pilots and Maintainers to safely operate and maintain the world’s most advanced rotary-wing attack aircraft. The courseware uses sound instructional design techniques to address the complex needs of multiple AH-64D/E schoolhouses and learner groups.  LSI supports the United States Army Aviation Center of Excellence (USAACE) and 128th Aviation Brigrade curriculum for:

  • Aircraft Qualification Course Academics and Flightline Briefs
  • Maintenance Test Pilot Course
  • 15Y Armament/Electrical/Avionics System Repairer Course
  • 15R Attack Helicopter Maintainer Course
  • Multiple sustainment lessons

We also prepare various Foreign Military Sales (FMS) customers’ training packages for their AH-64 country specific configuration. LSI produces Computer Aided Instruction (CAI) to augment Instructor-Led Training (ILT) and Interactive Media Instruction (IMI) that is SCORM compliant and HTML5 compatible. In addition, the AH-64D/E training products are compatible with mobile devices.

Army Ground Training

LSI serves as a leader in Army ground training through our contracts with TRADOC, ATSC, and Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs). LSI was a subcontractor on TRADOC’s recent CAPDL contract. LSI was also the number one prime contractor on the TRADOC Distributed Learning, Education, and Training Products (DLETP) contract with 100 Delivery Orders and 4,375 hours of Interactive Multimedia Instruction (IMI) following SCORM 2004 and Army Business Rules. LSI’s experience in Instructional Systems Design (ISD), adult education, adult learning theory, and management brought us to the forefront of Army training.

CH-47D/F Cargo Helicopter Courseware

LSI is a principal provider of CH-47D/F Chinook Cargo Helicopter courseware.  Our CH-47D and CH-47F products train Army Pilots and Maintainers to safely operate and maintain the world’s most advanced rotary-wing heavy lift cargo aircraft. The courseware uses sound instructional design techniques to address the complex needs of multiple CH-47D/F schoolhouses and learner groups.  LSI supports the following Army Chinook Training:

  • Cargo Helicopter Project Manager’s Office
    • CH-47F New Equipment Training courseware for Operators and Maintainers
    • CH-47F Transportable Flight Proficiency Simulator Instructor/Operator and Maintainer courseware
    • Cargo Platform Health Environment (CPHE) Condition Based Maintenance courseware
  • 128th Aviation Brigade at Fort Eustis
    • 15U10 Cargo Helicopter Repairer courseware
    • 15B Aircraft Powerplant Repairer courseware
  • 110th Aviation Brigade at United States Army Aviation Center of Excellence (USAACE)
    • CH-47 Maintenance Test Pilot courseware
    • CH-47 Flight School XXI courseware
  • U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command (AMCOM)
    • CH-47D Modernized Signal Processing Unit (MSPU) Condition Based Maintenance courseware

We also prepare various Foreign Military Sales (FMS) customers’ International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) compliant training packages for their CH-47 country specific configuration. LSI produces Computer Aided Instruction (CAI) to augment Instructor-Led Training (ILT) and Interactive Media Instruction (IMI) that is SCORM compliant and HTML5 compatible. In addition, the CH-47 training products are compatible with mobile devices.

CV-22 Osprey Courseware

CV-22 Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) Aircrew and Maintenance training products instruct Air Force learners in a wide range of topics.  Maintenance personnel in five specialties are trained in the theory of operation, maintenance procedures and troubleshooting techniques required for the revolutionary Osprey tilt rotor aircraft. The Pilot and Special Mission Aviation curriculums include: Initial Qualification, Requalification, Instructor Preparatory, and Continuation Training.  This SCORM conformant courseware leverages the Advanced Sequencing and Navigation rules present in the SCORM 2004 standard and high-resolution graphics and animations combined with information and procedures extracted from the Interactive Electronic Technical Manual (IETM) and Flight Manual.

DDG-51 Courseware

LSI develops DDG-51 courseware that supports U.S. Navy training requirements for crews taking possession of new DDG-51 class destroyers from the shipbuilder.  This training is designed to enable the crew to safely operate and maintain designated ship's systems and equipment, and to assist in the successful completion of new construction milestones.

The training is based on U.S. Navy standards, documentation, doctrine, and programs such as: Personnel Qualification Standards (PQS), Planned Maintenance System (PMS), Engineering Operational Sequencing System (EOSS), Sewage Disposal Operational Sequencing System (SDOSS), Naval Ships Technical Manuals (NSTM)s, OPNAV/FFC/TYCOM Directives, Ship Information Books, and lessons learned.

DDG-1000 Courseware

The DDG-1000 Zumwalt-class destroyer represents the next generation in U.S. Navy surface combatants.  The advanced technology present on the DDG-1000 demands an equally advanced training system.  Our DDG-1000 courseware prepares personnel to be “Ready for Qualification” prior to arrival on their assigned DDG-1000 Class ship.

Our DDG-1000 courseware supports Personal Qualification Standards (PQS).  The training modules include:

  • Module 100 – Fundamentals
  • Module 200 – Systems
  • Module 300 – Watch standing Principles and Procedures/Operations
  • Module 400 – Watch standing Practice
  • Module 500 – Maintenance Support
  • Module 600 – Preventive Maintenance
  • Module 700 – Corrective Maintenance
  • Module 800 – Emergency and Battle Damage Repair
  • Module 900 – Capstone event (Oral Boards)

F-35 Lightning II Courseware

The F-35 courseware introduces the aircraft and all of its systems and capabilities to both maintainers and pilots.  The Interactive Courseware (ICW) provides the foundation for all subsequent training.  Our sound instructional design principles produce topics, lessons, and units that allow the learner to master basic knowledge of the aircraft before advanced system-specific knowledge is introduced.  The training instructs over 50 skillsets covering all three U.S F-35 variants (Air Force, Navy, and USMC) as well as a number of foreign military customers.  Because the evolving nature of this emerging aircraft demands training be frequently revised, the courseware is designed to allow updates to be done once and then shared with all target audiences.

Complementing the F-35 courseware is enhanced training developed for the F135 engine.  While the basics of the F135 engine are included within the F-35 courseware, some learners receive more detailed training related to depot-level engine component repair and replacement.  The same high-fidelity interactive graphics in the courseware are re-purposed in an F135 Electronic Training Aid (ETA).  The ETA is used in the classroom to highlight, isolate/restore, separate/join, and cross-section any system of the F135 engine in a high-resolution virtual environment.

HH-60W Combat Rescue Helicopter Courseware

The HH-60W Combat Rescue Helicopter (CRH) courseware trains Air Force learners in the safe operation and maintenance of the United States Air Force’s newest vertical lift aircraft.  The courseware is based on the results of an exhaustive analysis of training requirements and methods conducted by LSI, and is built using the latest technologies including interoperability with an S1000D Common Source Database (CSDB) and Interactive Electronic Technical Manual (IETM).  The training materials employ the HTML5 standard for maximum compatibility with current and future delivery systems.  HH-60W courseware instructs maintainers and operators including Pilot, Special Missions Aviation, and nine maintenance specialties.  This advanced training leverages today’s leading-edge capabilities to better prepare safe, effective and mission-ready combat rescue crews and maintainers.

MH-60R/S Operator and Maintenance Training Curriculum

LSI develops MH-60R/S courseware and training products that support United States Navy H-60 helicopter training programs.  As new aircraft, operator, and maintenance capabilities evolve, we seamlessly integrate the upgraded system information utilizing technical data extracted from developmental/operational test events and Engineering Change Proposal (ECP) modifications.  Our H-60R/S training is a blended solution employing Interactive Courseware (ICW), Instructor-guided Computer Aided Instruction (CAI), interactive examinations, and curriculum packages supporting laboratory events. Course development is conducted with review authority and oversight by the Center for Naval Aviation Technical Training (CNATT), HSC and HSM Fleet Replacement Squadrons, Wing Weapons School, PMA-205, and NAWCTSD.

H-60 Maintenance Training Curriculums

MH-60R Avionics Organizational Maintenance
MH-60S Avionics Organizational Maintenance
MH-60S Organic Airborne Mine Countermeasures Mission Kit Maintenance
SH-60F/HH-60H Electronic Systems Organizational Maintenance
MH-60R/S Electrical Organizational Maintenance
H-60 Power Plants and Related Systems Organizational Maintenance
H-60 Airframes and Related Systems Organizational Maintenance
MH-60S Armament Organizational Maintenance
H-60 Armament and Related Systems Organizational Maintenance
MH-60S Conventional Weapons Loading

MH-60S Operator Training Curriculums

Pilot and Aircrew training encompasses the below operator Category I courses:
MH-60S Fleet Replacement Pilot Category I
MH-60S Fleet Replacement Aircrew Category I
MH-60S Organic Airborne Mine Countermeasures Fleet Replacement Pilot Category I
MH-60S Organic Airborne Mine Countermeasures Fleet Replacement Aircrew Category I

Missile Technician Continuum

The Missile Technician Continuum (MTC) is a blended training approach designed to provide phased training to Missile Technicians onboard the Navy’s Ohio-class ballistic missile submarines. This approach provides training at the Operator, Technician, and Manager levels, delivering focused training throughout the MT’s career. The training consists of over 340 hours of Interactive Courseware, Instructor Led Training, and Laboratory Training.  Virtual Training. Assessments are accomplished through computer-based posttests, hands-on performance assessments in the laboratory using training devices and simulators, and through interactive assessments in the virtual environment.

This training is initially designed in the Navy’s Authoring Instructional Materials (AIM) system, then exported into LSI’s courseware development engine. After the SCORM 2004 conformant interactive content is developed, it is imported back to the AIM system, providing enhanced surveillance and maintenance capabilities of the content for life cycle management. The content is staged in afloat and ashore Learning Management Systems (LMS) to support training delivery through the sailors’ at-sea patrol and shore duty assignment periods.

MV-22 Osprey Maintenance Training Optimization Courseware

LSI’s V-22 Courseware Development Team has been tasked with creating a knowledge bridge between the Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) maintenance training products developed for initial schoolhouse training and the stages of early technical skill development after reaching the fleet.  This courseware is designed to reintroduce technicians and mechanics to those systems and processes initially learned in a classroom environment, reinforcing system Theory of Operation and Operational Check procedures.  Each individual course is designed for use in any environment, in one hour or less to avoid interference with current operational tempo.

All MV-22 maintenance Military Occupational Specialties (MOSs) are addressed:

Description MOS
Tiltrotor Mechanic, MV-22 6116
Tiltrotor Airframe Mechanic, MV-22 6156
Aircraft Communications/Navigation/Electrical/Weapon Systems Technician 6326

This SCORM-compliant courseware is produced using the latest version of the MV-22 Interactive Electronic Technical Manual (IETM) to ensure the most up-to-date information is presented, and is available through the use of the Marine Corps Aviation Learning Management System (MCALMS).  Authoring is accomplished using Adobe Captivate 9 in order to provide training capabilities through the use of mobile devices in an austere environment as well as from a classroom.

Naval Training Products and Services for Naval Education and Training Command

As a prime contractor on several Naval Training Products and Services (NTPS) multiple award contracts, LSI has conducted analyses and built courseware on a variety of topics for the Naval Education and Training Command (NETC), including support for the Operational Specialist (OS) and Quartermaster (QM) schools, instructional system design support for the Center for Surface Combat Systems (CSCS), and mobile device training applications for Recruit Training Command (RTC).  Work for NETC on the NTPS contract vehicles requires in-depth knowledge of the NETC End-to-End (E2E) process.  This comprehensive training analysis and content development process supports the NETC Training Strategy by employing realistic scenarios and problem solving exercises to design effective performance-based training.  Content built using the E2E model is developed in the Content Planning Module (CPM) and the Learning Objective (LO) modules of the Navy’s Authoring Instructional Materials (AIM) toolset.

Courseware Development Tools

Venus 2 Enterprise (V2E) is LSI’s premier courseware development tool.  While we also employ Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) development tools, V2E provides our customers with a powerful, customizable solution that creates SCORM 2004 compliant training, and apps for mobile devices (iOS and Android), from the same training content - build it once and deploy on multiple platforms.  V2E courseware can synchronize learner data (progress, metrics, assessment scores, etc.) with either a traditional SCORM Learning Management System (LMS) or with an Experience API (xAPI) Learning Record Store (LRS).  V2E training content conforms to the latest internet browser standard, HTML5.  By embracing the HTML5 standard, LSI has eliminated the need for third party plugins, ensuring compatibility now and in the future.  The V2E tool itself is scalable, easily supporting large development teams in a server-based enterprise environment and also functioning as a stand-alone editor on a desktop workstation.