Friday, August 25, 2017
LSI’s augmented reality training using the Microsoft Hololens for the V-22 is a great way for students to train procedures like Blade Fold/Wing Stow (BFWS) without having an actual aircraft. Let’s be honest, how often will you have an extra V-22 just laying around? #LSI #LSISimulation #Hololens #AugmentedReality #AR #V22 #MV22 #MarineCorps #CV22 #AirForce
Friday, August 18, 2017
“The L-7AY is an AH-64E Apache training device which was developed and built under contract to the Apache Program Management Office (PMO) by Logistics Services International (LSI). The first edition of this trainer was delivered to the instructors who train Apache armament in Alpha Company, 1-210th Avn. Regt. during the second quarter of 2016. The…
Thursday, August 10, 2017
Check out our Virtual Maintenance Training and Augmented Reality Demonstration at Fort Rucker Army Aviation Industry Day! #virtualreality #virtualmaintenancetraining #vr #ar #augmentedreality #armyaviation