Tuesday, June 20, 2023
LSI recently completed the 11th in a series of fourteen (14) L-7 AH-64E Apache Longbow Helicopter Maintenance Trainer Multiplex, Avionics, Visionics, Weapons Electrical Systems Trainers (L-7 MAVWEST).
The completed L-7 MAVWEST is designed to provide training to both AH-64 Attack Helicopter Repairer (15R) and Armament/Electrical Avionic Systems Repairer (15Y) students. Capable of a wide range of training tasks, the device has fully functional Hydraulic, ECS, Pressurized Air, Gun and Ammo Handling, Flight Control systems, Pylons and AIA (Modernized-Targeting Acquisition Designation Sight (M-TADS)/Pilot Night Vision System (PNVS).