Tuesday, December 13, 2016
LSI, Inc. designs, develops, manufactures and delivers high fidelity Black Hawk helicopter training devices for the Utility Helicopter Project Office (UHPO) for use at the U.S. Army Aviation training facilities at Ft. Eustis, VA and Ft. Indiantown Gap, PA. Six of these devices have been delivered and four more are in production. LSI has delivered one trainer for the Taiwan Army under an FMS case. U.S. Army Device #5 was accepted by the U.S. Government on Monday 12 December 2016 at Joint Base Langley Eustis (JBLE) in Virginia.
The UH-60M Black Hawk Maintenance Trainer (BHMT) is built from retired Category B, crash damaged, or purchased airframes and is used for the development of maintenance skills for U.S. Army Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) 15T10 and 15T30 level personnel. It is used to train system familiarization, component identification, servicing tasks and inspections, Maintenance Operational Checks (MOCs), Fault Isolation Procedures, and Remove and Install (R/I) tasks in support of UH-60M Aviation Unit Level Maintenance (AVUM). The BHMT-M provides realistic, high fidelity, and safe training for ground maintenance operations and procedures.
The BHMT-M trainer is ruggedized for the training environment to provide high life cycle task performance at low cost and provides for isolation of task environments for system familiarization to support MOS at the 10 and 30 levels.